
Saturday, October 6, 2012

how the light gets in

 "there is something in october
sets the gypsy blood astir,
we must rise and follow her
when from every hill of flame,
she calls
each vababond by name."
- william bliss carman

so it is that october beckons me.
i put on my boots
and an epic audio book,
grab the camera,
and venture out into the snappy,
musty, earth scented air.
no plan,
no expectations,
no thinking even.
just walking
and watching
where october takes me.

and what an alluring
companion she proves to be
under fragile arches
that trap the essence of the sun,
over gilded rustling carpets,
through forgotten alleys
teeming with the magic
of the derelict.

i am once again drawn
to the broken things,
to the cracked, the neglected, the forsaken.
 and once again i find inspiration
by the bucket loads.


 "forget your perfect offering
there is a crack in everything
that's how the light gets in."
-leonard cohen


  1. Beautiful images and beautiful words.... simply lovely. And Leonard Cohen's words...some of my very favourites.

  2. Lovely thoughts and lovely images - they match Leonard Cohen's words so well!
