
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

art prize 2012 - my entry

'unfinished poem' mixed media on canvas 4ftx8ft
this time, a better reason
for having been m.i.a. 
'unfinished poem' is nearly finished.
as finished as it's going to be.
finally vertical
and ready to go, save for
a few subtle finishing touches.
building a crate
to transport it to the gallery on friday.
a strange feeling letting go of it
after being so intimately connected
12-14 hours every day for two months.

thrilled to discover
calvin college's 106 gallery
where 'unfinished poem'
will be showing september 7 - october 7.
and ready for the epic ride
that will be art prize,
september 19 - october 7.
if you're anywhere near grand rapids
during that time,
don't miss it! 

 more detail shots coming soon.

in the meantime, i am ready
to start tackling the stacks and stacks
of blank canvas
and pretty frames
that have been collecting around the studio.
but first, a foray out into the world
of people and sunshine
via a 4-day trip to grand rapids.

have a lovely, artful, lifegiving,
and poetry-infused week, friends!


  1. May you and your stunning artwork travel safely.

  2. Stunning. Breathtaking. Mesmerizing. Simply exquisite.

    Am I gushing? It's a shame that CT and MI are not closer. I'd love to see your unfinished poem in person. What a creative mind you have. Safe travels for you and your poem.

  3. A poem it is. Delicate, mysterious, fragile, beautiful and yes, mesmerizing. Huge success with the exhibition!

  4. what a labour of love, it's such a delicate beauty with a divine name! happy trails!

  5. gorgeous,
    like the water droplets of condensation forming geographical landscapes, or a rare find of dragon hide.

    good luck with the exhibition and enjoy thoroughly your short break!

  6. Safe travels and safe arrivals. This piece feels monumental in a way - despite its fragility and elegance. Best wishes for the show as well.

  7. Hi Anca,

    that last image is totally worthy of itself - I can see a greeting card.
    What a beautiful selection you have and what gorgeous light you have to work in..

  8. thank you, friends, for the loving-kind words of encouragement! the piece arrived safely to it's destination. i am so grateful to have the support of this wonderful community of artists. a lovely weekend to you all!
