
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

a day's work.

"but tomorrow, dawn will come the way i picture her, barefoot and disheveled, standing outside my window in one of the fragile cotton dresses of the poor. she will look in at me with her thin arms extended, offering a handful of birdsong and a small cup of light. 
-billy collins

“hello, sun in my face. 
hello you who made the morning and spread it over the fields...
watch, now, how i start the day in happiness, in kindness.”
-mary oliver

sketch on my chalk board wall

from memory.  latest completed piece.


  1. just love those egg shells and your chalk board wall sketch.

    1. thank you, susan! i'm loving the egg shells right now, as tedious as they are to sort out.

  2. How nice it is to come here and see quotes by two of my favorite writers; in fact, I just put some Mary Oliver quotes in my latest post as well. I'm wondering if there are any eggs left at your local grocery, or if people look at you strangely when you come in to buy more! LOL What will you do with all the eggshells? I can't wait to see.

    1. oh, yes, two of my favorites as well.
      i love how i'm the crazy egg lady in your story. it's not quite as amusing in real life, where i send desperate emails to all my friends asking them to save their egg shells when making omelet.

  3. Oh the egg shell peel. I know it well! Looks like a good days work.

    From Memory is enticing.

    1. leslie, do you peel the delicate skin off too?

      enticing is good. :)

  4. I agree with Lesley, the work looks very intriguing. I love the black drips running upwards at the bottom.
    It would seem there's a lot of egg shell love around these days…it's interesting how yours are all white and I have brown speckled ones - don't you hate washing them?

    1. some are actually brown on the outside, but you can't see it in the photo. i have a bit of a love-hate relationship with washing them. so tedious, but a delicate tactile process that i can now do by feel, without even looking.

  5. mary oliver was my first true poetry love.
    now i believe that everyone is a poet. we simply have varying methods of expression.
    and your work, as always, is beautiful, mysterious and wise.

    1. yes. various methods of expression. still, we love some more than others. :)
      thank you!

  6. I always love seeing what you're up to in the studio and reading the poetry you include. While I've never considered myself a fan of poetry, I think a book of Mary Oliver's wonderful words is required.

    From Memory is splendid...mysterious, yet familiar. And the eggshells! While they must be a pain to work with, the texture is enticing.

    1. she is impossible not to love.
      i like your take on the piece.
      it's a growing pain.

  7. I have collections
    of both Mary Oliver and Billy Collins
    do you know:
    Taking Off Emily Dickinson's Clothes
    Sailing Around the Room Alone?
    why I thought of this I do not know
    your work is lovely - as always
    is one of the egg shells
    cupping a pearl?...

    xox - eb.

    1. yes. such a breath of fresh air,
      that poem. so naughty and clever and sweet.
      no pearl here, but
      i have always thought the shells beg
      to be cupping pearls and
      in this piece
      they just might.
      you saw the ghost
      of what has not yet been born.

  8. oh my! you have the paience of a saint preparing all those eggshells, my friend! i now see my beautiful anca paintings in a whole new light... they are imbued, not only with your gentle, poetic spirit, but also your deep well of patience... thank you for expanding my admiration :) x

    1. dearest claire, i am blushing.
      i suppose my patience has grown
      while working with egg shells.

  9. Oh I could just fall in love with that first image of the eggshells. Such fragile beauty...thank you

    1. such fragile beauty draws me to them.
      thank YOU! :)

  10. You have the biggest bag of egg shells I've ever seen Anca! Lovely words, beautiful work.

  11. my goodness, you have a LOT of egg must be creating some sort of egg shell piece on a large scale. I love your choice of poetry.. so light and spring like.
